Title: “What the Wind Knows”
Author: Amy Harmon
Series: N/A
Genre: Historical Romance/ Time Travel
Setting: Ireland
Dates Finished: April 5, 2020
Format: Paperback
Pages: 416
Cover Rating: 5/5 Stars
Review: We are in week three of quarantine, and I am so happy I decided to pick this up to escape in. Amy Harmon’s books are always beautifully written and flow so seamlessly, and What the Wind Knows was no exception. It was magical and romantic, taking the reader back to a simpler, but troubled, 1920’s Ireland. I absolutely feel in love with not only the characters, but the setting as well. Not being able to leave the house has been hard, but this book transported me to it’s world. I found myself smiling and crying while reading it. It’s hard to find something so original in a genre that is booming right now thanks to Outlander being made for TV, but WTWK stands on its own.
Rating: 5/5 Stars