In case some of you didn't know, Flowers in the Attic was my very first favorite "adult" book love when I read it in middle school. Which led me to be a complete fangirl for the original V.C. Andrews and all things uber creepy and taboo. When I finally got my hands on the 80's movie, I was thrilled... only to end up throwing my shoe at my television in bitter disappointment. We all know it was god awful and did nothing for the book. So you can imagine my enthusiasm when I found out LIFETIME was re-creating it for TV to be aired in January!
Doesn't it look amazing?! I can't wait to watch it! But in the meantime, author Stacy Kade (The Ghost and the Goth Trilogy and Project Paper Doll) has arranged a Flowers in the Attic read (or re-read) group! We started yesterday, but it's not too late to join! For all the info on the fun, check out Stacy's post here. If you're on Twitter, you can keep up with the conversation by using hashtag #FIAread.
Hope to "see" you there!
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